We fell in love with the attention to detail the craftmanship and the designer behind the brand. To properly introduce Italian ROLD SKOV we went and did an e-mail interview with founder and designer Francesco Rossini for our Fall/Winter 2022 ROLD SKOV editorial.

ROLD SKOV is located in the Marche region a textile paradise, have you always been a part of the textile and fashion industry or how did your passion for design begin?
Ciao guys, first of all many thanks for the interest in Rold Skov, very much appreciated!
Rold Skov HQ is located in the Marche region mainly because I was born in Pesaro, however, despite the textile origins of this region, to be honest my passion for design comes from further away.
Since I was a teenager I used to spend my after-school time at my grandma’s watching MTV show and I was always stuck by Liam Gallagher’s aesthetic every time he was on show on Oasis music video clips :-)
His looks smashed me so much that I used to spend entire nights on e-bay to find out which brands he was wearing on those clips. I can tell that his style completely influenced my approach to “fashion” (and my music taste too) ;-)
I am not sure whether I have ever told you, before the Rold Skov project I have studied criminology and for two very long years I practiced as a private investigator; clearly not my pair of shoes! After a few years I finally took the courage to change direction completely and transform a pure passion into my daily work.

We fell in love with the attention to detail, the fabrics and for example how you use buttons to create unique details in your garments. Please can you talk to us about your design process? How do you find the right fabrics for ROLD SKOV and do you have special love for buttons?
I really appreciate that your attention has been captured by the materials and details that we use, since from the very first collection, my focus and main goal has always been the research for quality, given also by a premium handicraft. I love researching for new textiles, I almost define myself a “nerd” of fabrics, I must admit that it’s my favourite part of the design process.
Luckily in Italy there are so many high quality textiles companies that bring me to discover new fabrics that will become the essence of Rold Skov’s upcoming collection.
The design process usually repeats itself during the different seasons, I normally start by choosing the topic of the collection, immediately follows the research for fabrics and textiles according to the initial mood. This process works also for the choice of all the accessories that are part of every single item, including my beloved buttons which, as for every single detail, enrich the items and make the difference in the outcome of each article.
These accurancies are to me essential, especially in the case of a ready to wear brand.
We need to know how the name came to life. You are an italian designer with an Italian brand that is all produced and designed in italy how did the Brand end up being named after the Danish forest Rold Skov?
Here we are back to the story of the investigator from the first answer. :-)
Following the bachelor in criminology I went through a very difficult moment where I realised that I couldn't find myself in the job I was doing at that time, since I have always been a very creative mind, interested in the aesthetic of things and dreaming for the possibility to develop a personal project related to clothes.
I knew Copenhagen very well, it has always been one of my favourite spots in Europe since I was a little kid. During this very dark period of my life I decided to spend some time in Denmark; It was at that time, during a very introspective walk inside the Rold Skov forest that I found the courage to leave behind the past and start this project. This is why I decided to name the brand after the Danish forest.

ROLD SKOV finds its inspiration in music and sports. We know you DJ and are a huge Juventus fan, how does these personal passions of yours play a part in the way you design?
By the way Juventus is in rough spot at the moment lets hope they will find their way back to the top.
Wow I am well impressed, you’re really updated on me! Surely music and Juventus are two important references to me, especially music has a great influence on the way I conceive my collections 360. I grew up listening to the Brit pop genre with specific memories that immediately recalls the 90s wide volumes, raw cut, strong aesthetic which is something that you will find in the ROLD SKOV DNA, or at least something I try to bring in.
Juventus..I would rather not talk about Juventus at this very moment. :-(
But watch out we’ll be back..
We met up with you in Paris this summer to experience your SS23 'Spike Island' collection inspired by the iconic Stone Roses concert how did this idea come to life? And will we see you DJ in Copenhagen this spring? ;-)
The idea to get inspiration from Stone Roses’ concert came to my mind from a visual encyclopaedia of shots by Dave Swindells, Patrick Harrison and Peter J. Wash published by IDEA books on that specific concert, Spike Islands , that I purchased a few months ago. I immediately loved the British looks in the photographs, it became very natural the association of that concerts mood to the SS23 collection.
I am looking forward to an invite for DJing next Spring, but who knows maybe even earlier :-)